Ah, “the artist’s statement”, or “the elevator speech”, here on my website, that shares a little bit about me, and I resist it oh so much. I’m not comfortable with self-promotion, although having a few business cards on me is a great way for me to be able to connect more with people I randomly meet. After a couple of years it is getting a little easier, and I don’t feel like such a sales person pushing my wares since photography is just something I do.

I’ve held a camera in my hands since I was in my single digit years, but it was my photography instructor, in high school, who helped me see the world differently and my camera as a tool for creatively expressing art through my own creative visual perspective, that for me, is an intuitive endeavor.

That photography class was old school. Not tintype or glass negative old-school, but mechanical 35mm film camera old-school where I developed my film in the classroom and then spent time in the dark room perfecting Black and White images of what I saw and captured out in the world.

Photography can be one of those mediums of art that can illicit tall tales like the ones we have all heard from fisherman about the “one that got away”. Sometimes it’s those photos that both haunt and drive me forward in hope that, when the time feels right, I’ll quickly grab the camera to snap that picture. It’s the one that got away which would have made the best picture because I would have captured that one moment when: the light was perfect, the mood just right, or a captured glance which silently spoke a thousand words.  Like that time when rounding a bend in the road early one foggy morning. There they were, two horses facing each other out in front of a rustic barn as if they were conversing between one another over coffee in the gray mist. Or that time when I looked up and saw a snow covered mountain peak that resembled a white pyramid gleaming against the blue sky. Or those edgy black & white photographs that I thought up back in high school, but could never convince anybody to model for, except for that one... Those are the pictures that are alive in my mind’s eye that drive me to capture fleeting moments in time.

I like to photograph special and meaningful moments which can be as simple as children playing outside in a pile of leaves on a sunny fall afternoon, or as elaborate as a renaissance themed wedding. I like my photos to portray a sense of balance, serenity, something abstract, a peculiar shape, or a story told silently from within the picture.   

But then again, sometimes I can get too caught up in the pursuit of the perfect photograph and miss out by over thinking the process, and one gets away. When that happens, I tell myself to just press the f-ing button, and then, sometimes, something unexpectedly beautiful happens because I’ve stepped outside myself and simply captured a beautiful image.  

Thanks for stopping by and looking at my website. Feel free to contact me with any inquiry about a particular image you may like. I sign and number all printed photographs.
